Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Without a doubt, mail merge software benefits your company greatly. Letters and documents can be sent to everyone in your database at the drop of a hat is what a mail merge is for. One process streamlines a huge task into one that can be very easy because it allows for enhanced customization and personalization. And a good mail merge saves you time, translating into saving you money. Most likely, you already know this. However, what may be less clear is whether hiring a third-party mail merge company is best, or doing it yourself with mail merge software. Outsourcing mail merge services requires no special knowledge on your part. Give your data to the company for processing and they take care of all the rest. This costs money that may better be applied elsewhere since with a lot less overall investment, doing it yourself with mail merge software will present you with a lot more benefits: Cost. By handling it yourself there are no added expenses such as set up fees, per order fees or even conversion fees. An initial investment in a mail merge program is all you have. The only ongoing cost after that is the employee time spent performing the mail merge. Data Control. Doing it yourself means your data stays in-house, minimizing the risk of sensitive information being misused. Time. Having your own mail merge software lets you work on your schedule, not that of a vendor. Since you're the one doing the creating, design and proofing process, you also cut back on the interactive process of document design. Mail merge definitely is not as complicated as it could be. Once you have a handle on how to use your mail merge program, you can use it again and again. In fact, you may already have learned how to use mail merge software, because two common applications – Microsoft Outlook and Microsoft Office – have built-in mail merge components. There is all kinds of free information online on how to use for Outlook Mail Merge and Office Mail Merge. Not only that, there are several ingenious mail merge and document generation software programs on the market that also integrate directly into Microsoft Office. Not only can you do a mail merge, with these packages, you're all ready to do more complex tasks. For instance, mail merge software can be used to send complex reports, generate documents with up-to-the-minute data, and keep clients and customers abreast of important company information via email updates. One package can do it all. Simplify your life and your business with Windward Reports reporting solutions and mail merge. They'll make all other solutions programs look like antiques when you see how fast and efficient your system becomes!