BSN Nursing Is In Your Future
Friday, August 27, 2010
If you’re looking for a career that will guarantee you a job for the rest of your working life, then get a job in the medical field. Look at the statistics, look at the job forecasts, look at the population and the conclusion is obvious. People will always need medical care, and that means anyone working in the medical field will always have a job. And the jobs that will always be available will be jobs for doctors and nurses.
While you can spend 6 weeks and get a registered nurse certificate, that will only take you so far in life. By investing just a little more time and effort, you can get your Bachelors in Nursing degree. And getting your BSN doesn’t have to be a complete sacrifice. RN to BSN online courses are available meaning you can use the RN status you already have to make your living while increasing your education at the same time. There are nursing schools in Colorado as well as all the other states where you can sign up for classes and get your BSN degree online.
Having a BSN means you are a lot more capable and that means you’re worth more to an employer. Not only will you have more responsibilities which could eventually include supervisory capacity over RN’s, but it will mean higher pay and better benefits. While RN’s may have basic health care provided as a benefit, BSN’s usually have a much better health care package, as well as better vacation time, more choices when it comes to scheduling, and even which doctors they work with.
Why settle for an RN when you can have all the additional benefits like better pay, better health care coverage for you and your family, and better perks with a BSN degree. If you want a guaranteed future, then a BSN nursing degree is in your future.
Colorado Christian University helps everyone to create a new path. Why not explore a new career path with CCU today?
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